D. WAYNE LEE, P.E. Principal Consultant

D. Wayne Lee, P.E. offers over 35 years of proven experience in various aspects of the industry.
A graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology, he studied under the late Dr. W. Marshall Leach, Jr., School of Electrical
Engineering and performed extensive studies under Dr. Eugene T. Patronis, Jr., School of Physics. Georgia Tech studies
included audio engineering, acoustical engineering, electronic instrumentation, loudspeaker design, fiber optics and noise reduction techniques.
Industry experience started in 1981 with Western Electric, Co. where Mr. Lee was a Field Engineer supporting submarine
sonar systems and designing test sets for the Navy's ballistic submarine fleet. Responsibilities included field
support of the existing analog system and prototype testing of the all digital system under development at Bell Laboratories.
Then a move to Altec Lansing, Corp. as a Senior Development Engineer brought the establishment of the Electronics
R. & D. Department in Oklahoma City. As the group leader Mr. Lee was involved in new product development and existing
product support. Projects included development of power amplifiers, automatic microphone mixers, equalizers, and signal processors.
Starting in 1986, Mr. Lee spent nearly eight years as the Engineering Manager for Baker Audio/Telecom, an established
design/build contracting firm in Atlanta that specializes in acoustics, sound systems and audio visual systems.
There he pioneered computer assisted sound system design and acoustical measurements utilizing the Techron TEF Analyzer.
System performance was predicted prior to installation and field verified with site measurements after installation.
This background in design/build contracting offers practical experience many consultants may not be able to provide.
In 1993, Mr. Lee founded Lee Sound Design, Inc.
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering - Georgia Institute of Technology - 1981
SYN-AUD-CON Electro-acoustic Seminar Graduate - 1987
SYN-AUD-CON Loudspeaker Designer's Workshop Staff Assistant - 1988
SYN-AUD-CON Sponsored Intelligibility II Workshop, Indiana University - 1990
ASTM Training on Acoustics and Noise Control for Office,
Architectural and Industrial Applications - 1991
Professional Liability Education Program for Architects and Engineers - 1997, 1999
TEF Level II - Advanced Worship Space Acoustics & Sound Analysis Workshop - 2000
TEF Level III - Advanced Workshop on Speech Intelligibility - 2001
SYN-AUD-CON Sound System Design & Optimization Seminar - 2002
SYN-AUD-CON Acoustic Test and Measurement Workshop - 2002
SYN-AUD-CON Loudspeaker Array Workshop - 2002
SYN-AUD-CON Architectural Acoustics Workshop - 2003
SYN-AUD-CON Hums, Buzzes and Radio Frequency Interference Workshop - 2005
SYN-AUD-CON Equalization Workshop EQ07- 2007
SYN-AUD-CON Digital Audio Workshop - 2008
Audio Engineering Society - Atlanta Section - Acoustical Measurement Workshop Instructor - 2011
Member - Audio Engineering Society (AES), Chairman - Atlanta Chapter - 1994, 1995
Member - Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
AN/BQR-15 Towed Array Project - "ASIM Cable Simulator CCA Design and Evaluation Report", U. S. Navy. February 1984.
"Safety Assessment of the AN/BQR-15 Thin Line Array Program".
U. S. Navy, Accepted 1984.
"Heat Sink Design for a Class B Push Pull Amplifier". Altec Lansing Corp. Internal Engineering Report. 1985.
Association of Audio/Visual Technicians (AAVT) Reception. 1986 Lecture/demonstrations on Power Amplifiers and Loudspeakers.
"More on Transformers and Amplifiers" published Fall, 1988 SYN-AUD-CON Technical Newsletter.
TEF Symposium, Nashville, TN. "Measurements of Electronic and Electrical Devices". SYN-AUD-CON Sponsored, May 23-24, 1989.
"A Basic Approach to a Small, Multipurpose Amphitheater" published July 20, 1991, Sound & Video Contractor Magazine.
"The Wiring Made It Do It" published September 20, 1995, Sound & Video Contractor Magazine.
INFOCOMM 1996 Philadelphia, PA, June 13 15. The industry Audio Visual and Computer Presentation Convention.
Class Instructor for four audio programs. "Basic Audio Equalization", "Digital Audio Basics" and "DSP Products for
Audio" presented with Fred Ampel. "Nuts and Bolts of Sound Systems" presented with Fred Ampel and Mark McLean,
Editor of Live Sound magazine.
NSCA EXPO '97 Charlotte, NC, April 15-19. The National Systems Contractors Association Convention. Class
Instructor for the "Audio Instrumentation" course discussing what parameters should be measured, what tools are
required for measurement, and which systems are on the market today.
CEDIA EXPO ‘97 Atlanta, GA, September 3-7. The Custom Electronic Design & Installation Association Convention.
Assistant Instructor for two courses on the fundamentals of Electrical Engineering.
AIA/ASID Chattanooga Chapter - March 2000 Monthly Meeting Cleveland, TN, March 14, 2000. American Institute
of Architects and the American Society of Interior Designers, presentation on Architectural Acoustics Form and Function.
Gold-Line TEF Advanced Church Sound Measurement Workshop - October 2000. Host for one of two churches used for
acoustical and sound system measurements.
Review Staff for the new edition of Sound System Engineering by Don and Carolyn Davis - 2005