Bachelor of Electrical Engineering - Georgia Institute of Technology - 1981
SYN-AUD-CON Electro-acoustic Seminar Graduate - 1987
SYN-AUD-CON Loudspeaker Designer's Workshop Staff Assistant - 1988
SYN-AUD-CON Sponsored Intelligibility II Workshop, Indiana University - 1990
ASTM Training on Acoustics and Noise Control for Office,
Architectural and Industrial Applications - 1991
Professional Liability Education Program for Architects and Engineers - 1997, 1999
TEF Level II - Advanced Worship Space Acoustics & Sound Analysis Workshop - 2000
TEF Level III - Advanced Workshop on Speech Intelligibility - 2001
SYN-AUD-CON Sound System Design & Optimization Seminar - 2002
SYN-AUD-CON Acoustic Test and Measurement Workshop - 2002
SYN-AUD-CON Loudspeaker Array Workshop - 2002
SYN-AUD-CON Architectural Acoustics Workshop - 2003
SYN-AUD-CON Hums, Buzzes and Radio Frequency Interference Workshop - 2005
SYN-AUD-CON Equalization Workshop EQ07- 2007
SYN-AUD-CON Digital Audio Workshop - 2008
Audio Engineering Society - Atlanta Section - Acoustical Measurement Workshop Instructor - 2011
Member - Audio Engineering Society (AES), Chairman - Atlanta Chapter - 1994, 1995
Member - Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
Member Firm - National Council of Acoustical Consultants